Sabtu, 06 Februari 2010

Catch Me If You Can

I proudly think that i'm a jakarta citizen who like to walk everywhere. It isn't for the healthy kind of thing reason you know, coz the polution beats it. I just really enjoy every step i take with the variety of song from my Ipod as a mood setter.
When I came to Australia, everybody walking. And I really heart that fact. The difference is they walk so fast, way faster than me. It's not a problem for me until one day.... A granny with a cane passing over me from the back. Damn... She walks faster than me. I know guys... it's not like a race or something, but still.... it squeezed my walk ego lil'bit hahahaha. There must be something wrong with my bones.... If today lets say... a 70 years old granny beats me, Imagine how slow the future 70 years me will be?? So... my inpulsive brain order my weak bone to stop at coles.... Look the difference i made to my fridge....



2 komentar:

  1. chips, teh botol, coke, sprite, combined with apple, cheese, and milk!
    yup, you're gonna beat that 70 yrs old granny.
    fo sho! XD

  2. hey you got all the calcium from milk and cheese, the others just a side dish. man... i eat a loh here... A LOT
