Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

Something Old, Something New

Hi y'all...

Just wanna share you some of my new crip/student accomodation pictures.... I got this accomodation from internet searching and booked it for 1 months. Yes... if I can't find a new accomodation by the end of February , I'll be homeless. Somebody already booked the room in March. It's called Australianwide Student Accomodation and located in 2 Carre Street Elstveernwick. Actually, this is a very nice place, clean and tidy although the price is lil' bit out of my 'must saving to pay for my school fee next year' budget. No need more explanation, you'll see all in th pictures. O yeah, Do you see the grey-ish door? that's my room and btw i got my own fridge in my room. Cool....

When there is something new, there was something old. So I'm gonna put my old room's pictures as well. FYI i didn't sleep in my own room. ActuallyI never sleep in this room, as in never ever in my entire life. I just decorated it last year since somehow it became a temporary storage when I moved to Bandung during my college time. After that I just crash everywhere, in my sister's room or on the coach. OOh... so long all my book collection....

4 komentar:

  1. is that paulo coelho?
    the book that u put on your bed?
    and from all of the book that he wrote, you picked The Manual of The Warrior of Light to be put on your bed.
    hmmm, i wonder why?

  2. u knowlah..... my don't be afraid to be a unrealistic and lil' madness manual. Ga gw bawa lagi tuh buku, gara2 ga bisa masukin barang apapun di koper

  3. salah satu korban "sorry i can't bring you" ya?

  4. for sure... I only bought my latest David sedaris books, my witty and sarcasm manual hahaha
