Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

When Da Vinci Met Zen

Leonardo da Vinci wrote a list
of things he wanted to know:
the cause of tickling
the tongue of the woodpecker
the reason for lust
& the jaw of the crocodile
then simply, must get coal.
A zen quote says:
first enlightenment, then dishes.
Life, full of circles & lines & geometry
& the shortest distance between us.
My list: why you rub your feet three times
in bed & always toast to Helsinki
the traces of tanned Olsen light on your skin
& how you always miss the washing basket.
da Vinci imagined the calculator, helicopter, infinity.
Mental note: after love must keep everything fresh
then get bread.
by Alicia Sometimes

I read this on my ride home from school. At first I thought it just another advertising they put in the train, but when I take a look again, the word Da Vinci list got my attention. Remind me of the Bucket List movie played by Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. The difference is that a list about things the want to do. I got that kind of list too hehehe and studying abroad definitly on the list. How about you? Have you got any list?

Oh yeah, just so you know another weird side of me, I like to observe things written anywhere, a poster, billboard, store name, and anything else... There's a website at the bottom, movinggalleries.org.au. So when I came home, I looked at the website. So this is some explanation i got from their website:

Moving Galleries aim is to reach and engage an extensive and diverse community in the course of daily life by ‘moving Melbourne through art’.The project reflects its creative use of public spaces, making art and literature accessible to everyone, reinforcing Melbourne as the nation’s cultural and creative capital and most liveable city. As the poetry section of Moving Galleries is open for public submission, both professional and novice poets have been selected for publication. The poetry on the walls of the trains provides the commuting public with a snapshot of Victoria’s literary talent.

How cool is that? Finding art in our daily life... and it's not all about poetry, you can find artwork too somewhere. Too bad i didn't had a change to take a picture. Hoping I can be camera ready when i see it again someday.... In the mean time here some picture i took from the website to freshen up your eyes

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